Muy buenas a todos/as!
Cuando capturamos un hash de una contraseña a veces sea como sea el tipo de hash es complicado aplicar fuerza bruta por falta de tiempo, además es posible que ese hash ya haya sido crackeado por otra persona, en ese caso nos ahorramos el proceso de crackeo otra vez del password en cuestión.
Existe una herramienta llamada Findmyhash que hace la búsqueda en varios servicios web.
Un ejemplo con un hash de un hash MD5
findmyhash seifreed$ python findmyhash_v1.1.2.py MD5 -h 4c4eaa71a74c5965ee7f8742025bb776Execution error:The Python library libxml2 is not installed in your system.Because of that, some plugins aren’t going to work correctly.Please, install it before use this application.Cracking hash: 4c4eaa71a74c5965ee7f8742025bb776Analyzing with md5hashcracker (http://md5hashcracker.appspot.com)…… hash not found in md5hashcrackerAnalyzing with passcracking (http://passcracking.com)…… hash not found in passcrackingAnalyzing with askcheck (http://askcheck.com)…… hash not found in askcheckAnalyzing with fox21 (http://cracker.fox21.at)…INFO: You need libxml2 to use this plugin.… hash not found in fox21Analyzing with nicenamecrew (http://crackfoo.nicenamecrew.com)…… hash not found in nicenamecrewAnalyzing with joomlaaa (http://joomlaaa.com)…… hash not found in joomlaaaAnalyzing with md5-lookup (http://md5-lookup.com)…… hash not found in md5-lookupAnalyzing with md5.com.cn (http://md5.com.cn)…… hash not found in md5.com.cnAnalyzing with digitalsun.pl (http://md5.digitalsun.pl)…… hash not found in digitalsun.plAnalyzing with drasen.net (http://md5.drasen.net)…… hash not found in drasen.netAnalyzing with myinfosec (http://md5.myinfosec.net)…… hash not found in myinfosecAnalyzing with md5.net (http://md5.net)…… hash not found in md5.netAnalyzing with noisette.ch (http://md5.noisette.ch)…… hash not found in noisette.chAnalyzing with md5hood (http://md5hood.com)…… hash not found in md5hoodAnalyzing with stringfunction (http://www.stringfunction.com)…… hash not found in stringfunctionAnalyzing with 99k.org (http://xanadrel.99k.org)…… hash not found in 99k.orgAnalyzing with sans (http://isc.sans.edu)…… hash not found in sansAnalyzing with bokehman (http://bokehman.com)…… hash not found in bokehmanAnalyzing with goog.li (http://goog.li)…… hash not found in goog.liAnalyzing with schwett (http://schwett.com)…… hash not found in schwettAnalyzing with netmd5crack (http://www.netmd5crack.com)…… hash not found in netmd5crackAnalyzing with md5-cracker (http://www.md5-cracker.tk)…INFO: You need libxml2 to use this plugin.… hash not found in md5-crackerAnalyzing with benramsey (http://tools.benramsey.com)…… hash not found in benramseyAnalyzing with gromweb (http://md5.gromweb.com)…… hash not found in gromwebAnalyzing with hashcracking (http://md5.hashcracking.com)…… hash not found in hashcrackingAnalyzing with hashcracking (http://victorov.su)…… hash not found in hashcrackingAnalyzing with thekaine (http://md5.thekaine.de)…… hash not found in thekaineAnalyzing with tmto (http://www.tmto.org)…… hash not found in tmtoAnalyzing with rednoize (http://md5.rednoize.com)…… hash not found in rednoizeAnalyzing with md5-db (http://md5-db.de)…… hash not found in md5-dbAnalyzing with my-addr (http://md5.my-addr.com)…… hash not found in my-addrAnalyzing with md5pass (http://md5pass.info)…… hash not found in md5passAnalyzing with md5decryption (http://md5decryption.com)…… hash not found in md5decryptionAnalyzing with md5crack (http://md5crack.com)…… hash not found in md5crackAnalyzing with md5online (http://md5online.net)…… hash not found in md5onlineAnalyzing with md5-decrypter (http://md5-decrypter.com)…… hash not found in md5-decrypterAnalyzing with authsecu (http://www.authsecu.com)…… hash not found in authsecuAnalyzing with hashcrack (http://hashcrack.com)…… hash not found in hashcrackAnalyzing with c0llision (http://www.c0llision.net)…… hash not found in c0llisionAnalyzing with cmd5 (http://www.cmd5.org)…… hash not found in cmd5Analyzing with bigtrapeze (http://www.bigtrapeze.com)…… hash not found in bigtrapezeAnalyzing with hashchecker (http://www.hashchecker.com)…… hash not found in hashcheckerThe following hashes were cracked:———————————-NO HASH WAS CRACKED.
Es una manera de ahorrarnos el proceso de ruptura por fuerza bruta.
Un saludo a todos/as!