Flu Project en la Pentest Magazine del mes de Junio

Buenas a todos, en el post de hoy queríamos hablaros sobre la PenTest Magazine, una interesante revista de suscripción en la que mensualmente publican una nueva edición con artículos técnicos sobre todo lo referente a hacking (malware, cripto, auditoría web, ...).

En la edición del mes de Junio nos han publicado un artículo que enviamos sobre el malware Flu y funcionalidades de inyección de shellcodes en memoria, para realizar la integración con Metasploit (entre otras muchas herramientas).

Para ver esta nueva edición podéis acceder al siguiente enlace (la revista requiere suscripción):

Os dejamos a continuación con la carta del Pentest Mag Team:

Dear PenTest Readers,

We would like to present a new issue of Pentest Magazine. If you have heard about one of the most powerful tool for Penetration Testing – Kali Linux, but never worked with it, after reading this issue you will be able to start using it. In this publication, you will learn more about:
  1. For beginners: Have your first experience with Kali Linux!
  2. Practical guide about Kali in one article!
  3. Kali Linux loaded with SNMP, which is a small but very useful tools for exploiting.
  4. If you want to learn how to monitor your network, you will find the article describes clearly analysis of different open source network.
  5. Next you will be able to analyze Flu botnet and improve your own malware detection systems.
  6. For professionals: Interested in Social Engineering? Check vulnerability of the systems by taking advantage of tools at your disposal.
  7. Attack scenarios: Get to know about secrets of password security and protect your password on different systems.
  8. Discovering metasploit as the rapid creation of exploits: Use Metasploit for developing and executing exploits against Device Under Test. The author step-by-step describes the use of Metasploit tool. Take this great knowledge with Pentest Magazine!