Flu Project estará en el IEEE Region 8 SB & GOLD Congress

Buenas a todos, el próximo día 27 de Julio Flu Project estará en el evento organizado por IEEE, IEEE Region 8 SB & GOLD Congress en Madrid.

El evento transcurre entre los días 25 y 29 de Julio, y hemos tenido el honor de ser invitados para impartir una charla de hora y media sobre seguridad de la información. La ponencia que se impartirá se titula: "Malware and network attacks". Os dejamos a continuación con un breve resumen (inglés):

Today, in parallel with the evolution of social networking sites, entertainment applications, chat rooms and IRC channels in Internet, more and more people have direct contact with these media and applications. One of the biggest problems that characterize these applications is their access through insecure protocols and networks, allowing the communications, and therefore the information circulated, be intercepted and monitored by other users. In the present talk we discuss some of these techniques applied to real cases, with particular emphasis on data network attacks.

A continuación os dejamos con el calendario del workshop:

